Monday, September 27, 2010

Karina's Coconut Apple Cake

We had a meeting to go to this evening.  It was supposed to be a cookie pot luck but since I haven't been to the grocery store in ages I didn't have everything on hand to whip up a batch of dairy and gluten free cookies!  Eeek!!  I was so excited when I saw the post for Coconut Apple Cake that Karina had posted on the Gluten-Free Goddess this morning and realized that I had all of the ingredients!  Cake it would have to be instead of cookies.  OK, so I didn't have the spring form pan called for... I used my trusty angel food pan and it worked out just fine.

This cake is simply amazing.  Moist and packed with flavor.  The perfect autumnal cake for those who like myself can't have pumpkin.

Just look at it... Doesn't it scream out for you to cut into it and take a bite?  It does me!  :)


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