Sunday, February 14, 2010


I was watching Food Network the other morning before I left to go to the doctors yet again. They kept talking about how they were going to make chimichurri sauce to put on grilled flank steak. Of course I had to leave before the show got to that segment and I didn't have time to look up a recipe before I left either. I guessed as to the ingredients and bought what I thought I needed at the store. Here is my variation on chimichurri. I served it with grilled rib eye steaks, roasted potatoes with onions, sauteed mushrooms, and a fresh tossed salad for Valentines Day.

1 small to medium Serrano pepper (seed if you don't want it spicy)
1 bunch fresh cilantro
1/2 medium onion
1 - 2 tbs crushed garlic
2 tbs olive oil
2 tbs rice wine vinegar
1 tsp kosher salt

Put everything into the food processor and blend until well combined but not quite smooth.

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